Information for the business reputation check
More Information for the business reputation check
3.36.01 Information for the business reputation check
3.38.01 Information interaction via NAIS for the purposes of calculation of non-cash housing subsidies
3.38.04 Provision of information on residential lease agreements
3.44.04 Tracking a postal items by item number
3.66.02 Forwarding correspondence to a personal account
3.69.01 Obtaining information on harvesting and sales of wood per forest management unit
3.73.01 Registration of the FD (foreign donations) recipient
3.73.02 Submission of documents by the FD (foreign donations) recipient
3.76.01 Forwarding information to the Automated Information System of Social Support and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
3.76.02 Obtaining information from the Automated Information System of Social Support and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
3.78.01 Furnishing technical-and-economic indexes and cost indicators of analogous objects from the Automated Information System of Gosstroyportal for creation and management of the database of analogous objects for construction of objects
3.87.02 Provision of information on issued phytosanitary certificates and certificates of quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision)
3.89.01 Furnishing information from the Automated Information System "State Insurance Register"
24.1 Приложение «Система электронного документооборота»
More Issuance of a certificate of status on the register of those in need of improved living conditions
More Issuance of a certificate on the residential premises occupied in the location, place of residence and family composition
More Issuance of a certificate of the testator's last place of residence and his/her family composition on the date of death
More Obtaining a certificate on provision (non-provision) of a one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises
200.2.37 Issuance of a certificate on the burial place of relatives
200.8.2-1 Issuance of a certificate confirming membership in the national team or team of the Republic of Belarus in a type(s) of sport
200.8.3 Issuance of a sports achievements certificate
200.16.6 Выдача разрешения на удаление или пересадку объектов растительного мира
200.18.3 Credit, refund of taxes, charges (duties), penalties
200.18.6 Issuance of a certificate of payment of personal income tax, land tax and real estate tax regarding the alienated real estate object (in case of alienation of real estate object belonging to a citizen of the Republic of Belarus permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus, a foreign citizen, a stateless person)
200.18.7 Issuance of a certificate on the existence (absence) of writs of execution and (or) other claims for the collection of tax debt and other outstanding commitments to the Republic of Belarus, its administrative and territorial units, legal entities and natural persons to resolve the issue of renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Belarus
200.18.8 Issuance of a certificate of payment (withholding) of income tax from natural persons in order to avoid double taxation
200.18.9 Issuance of a certificate of permanent residence of a natural person in the Republic of Belarus in the tax period in order to avoid double taxation
200.18.17-1 Issuance of an extract from the records of tax authorities on calculated and paid amounts of taxes, levies (duties), penalties
200.20.5 Issuance of a certificate to a conscript and a citizen under the age of 27 enlisted in the reserve force for health reasons without doing compulsory military service, reserve service, confirming the consent to departure for permanent residence (applying for a permanent residence) outside the Republic of Belarus and to renounce the citizenship of the Republic of Belarus
200.20.6 Issuance of a certificate of conscription for compulsory military service, reserve service
548.1.1.1 Offsetting of overpaid (collected) taxes, levies (duties) and penalties
548.1.1.2 Offsetting of overpaid (recovered) amounts of income tax for foreign organizations that do not operate in the Republic of Belarus through a permanent establishment
548.1.1.4 Refund of overpaid (recovered) taxes, duties (levies), penalties
548.1.1.5 Refund of overpaid (recovered) amounts of income tax for foreign organizations that do not operate in the Republic of Belarus through a permanent establishment
548.1.1.8 Obtaining a permit for the refund of the differential between the amount of tax deductions and the total amount of value added tax calculated on the sale of goods (work, services) and property rights
548.1.3.3 Obtaining an opinion on the need to procure goods, equipment and tooling for the production of laser and optical equipment
548.1.3.12 Obtaining an opinion for confirmation of the grounds for exemption from value added tax on the classification of imported goods regarded as technical means that cannot be used other than for the prevention of disability and (or) rehabilitation of disabled persons
548.1.4.2 Obtaining a certificate of income tax payment through a permanent establishment of foreign organisations not operating in the Republic of Belarus
548.1.4.3 Obtaining a certificate confirming the amount of income tax paid to the budget by a foreign organisation
548.1.4.4 Obtaining (attestation of) a certificate of permanent residence of a Belarusian organisation (to avoid double taxation)
548.1.4.6 Obtaining a certificate of payment of personal income tax, land tax and property tax regarding the alienable property (in case of alienation of immovable property owned by a foreign or international legal entity not located in Belarus)
548.1.4.7 Obtaining an extract from the records of tax authorities on calculated and paid amounts of taxes, levies (duties), penalties
548.1.5.3 Registration with the tax authority of a state authority, state legal entity, provisions of which are approved by an act of legislation
548.1.5.4 Registration of the trustee with the tax authority
548.1.5.5 Registration of the simple partnership with the tax authority
548.3.4.1 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for an urban planning project, amendments thereto
548.3.4.2 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a preliminary (pre-investment) construction project documentation, amendments thereto
548.3.4.3 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for pre-project (pre-investment) documentation, amendments thereto, for construction, reconstruction, technical modernisation of the objects specified in the List of objects for which the environmental impact assessment is carried out
548.3.4.4 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for an architectural project or, in case of a one-stage design, a construction project, amendments thereto, for construction, reconstruction, modernisation, technical modernisation of the objects specified in the List of objects for which the environmental impact assessment is carried out
548.3.4.5 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for an architectural project or, in case of a one-stage design, a construction project, amendments thereto, for construction, reconstruction, modernisation, technical modernisation of industrial infrastructure objects ensuring production, storage of goods, and (or) objects for obtaining electric and thermal energy within the boundaries of natural areas subject to special protection
548.3.4.6 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for an architectural project or, in case of a one-stage design, a construction project, amendments thereto, in case when the pre-design (pre-investment) documentation
for the construction was developed in the form of a design documentation assignment or its development is not mandatory in accordance with the legislation on architectural, town-planning and construction activities
548.3.4.7 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for an architectural project or, in case of a one-stage design, a construction project, amendments thereto, for construction of oil and gas wells, construction and reconstruction
of oil field development projects regarding the process complex of oil, gas and water collection and transport
548.3.4.8 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for design documentation on subsoil use for objects for which a mining allotment is required, amendments thereto
548.3.4.9 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for documentation on mobile units, amendments thereto, on the use, neutralization of waste, animal carcasses
548.3.4.10 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a water conservation district and riparian zone project, amendments thereto
548.3.4.11 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a project of game management, amendments thereto
548.3.4.12 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a fish breeding and biological feasibility study, amendments thereto
548.3.4.13 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a biological feasibility study for stocking of fishing grounds and amendments thereto
548.3.4.14 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a biological feasibility study for harvesting and/or procurement of non-consumptive (non-hunting and non-fishing) wildlife, and amendments thereto
548.3.4.15 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a biological feasibility study of introduction of wildlife into grounds, amendments thereto
548.3.4.16 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for a forest management project, amendments thereto
548.3.4.17 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for the draft technical specifications for products manufactured from waste, amendments thereto
548.3.4.18 Obtaining an opinion of the State Environmental Review for for an architectural project or, in case of a one-stage design, a construction project, amendments thereto, for the demolition of objects
548.3.9.2 Obtaining an opinion on compliance of a construction project to be commissioned with a permit and project documentation (in terms of environmental safety)
548.3.10.1 Registration of a readiness certificate for a heat source or a readiness certificate for a heat energy consumer for operation in the autumn-winter period
548.3.13.1 Obtaining a decision on approval of preliminary (pre-investment) project documentation for construction of electric power sources, combined power generation sources, heat power sources with a capacity of 500 kW and more
548.3.15.1 Obtaining a permit for the right to perform repairs, construction and excavation in an exclusion zone of gas distribution system facilities
548.3.15.2 Obtaining a permit for the right to perform work in an exclusion zone of electric and (or) heat networks
548.3.15.4 Obtaining a permit to work in the protection zone of telecommunication lines and structures
548.3.15.6 Obtaining a permit for the right to perform construction and excavation work in the exclusion zones of main pipelines
548.4.3.1 Регистрация государственной информационной системы
548.4.3.2 Registration of a national information resource
548.4.6.1 Registration of a radioelectronic means and (or) high-frequency device, which is a source of electromagnetic radiation, for civilian use
548.4.8.1 Obtaining a permit for the right to use the radio-frequency spectrum during the design, construction (installation) of a radioelectronic means for civilian use
548.4.8.2 Obtaining a permit for the right to use the radio-frequency spectrum when operating a radioelectronic means for civilian use (including cable television headend, ship radio station) and (or) a high-frequency device for civilian use
548.4.10.1 Obtaining a permit for connection of a telecommunication network to the public telecommunication network
548.4.10.2 Obtaining a permit for connection of a data transmission network to the unified republican data transmission network
548.4.10.3 Obtaining technical conditions for connecting a telecommunications network to a public telecommunications network or telecommunications facilities to a primary telecommunications network or data transmission network
548.6.2.1 Obtaining a certificate of state registration of work on geological exploration of subsurface resources
548.6.3.1 Obtaining an opinion of the State Geological Expertise of design documentation for geological exploration of subsurface resources
548.6.3.2 Obtaining an opinion of the State Expertise of geological information
548.6.5.1 Obtaining a certificate of quality of forest plant seeds
548.6.7.1 Obtaining a certificate of origin of energy
548.6.7.2 Recording an amendment to a certificate of origin of energy
548.6.10.1 Obtaining a decision on granting a geological allotment with issuance of an act certifying the geological allotment in accordance with the established procedure
548.6.10.2 Obtaining a decision on granting a mining allotment with issuance of an act certifying the mining allotment in accordance with the established procedure
548.6.12.1 Obtaining a certificate of registration of a facility for keeping and (or) breeding of wild animals
548.6.13.1 Obtaining a certificate of registration of wild animals kept and (or) bred in captivity
548.6.15.1 Listing in the Register of Waste Management Facilities, the Register of waste storage, landfill and neutralisation facilities with receipt of a Certificate of inclusion of waste management, storage, landfill and neutralisation facilities in the registers
548.6.15.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Waste Management Facilities and the Register of waste storage, landfill and neutralisation facilities
548.6.16.1 Obtaining a certificate of registration of a production facility where production of sturgeon species of fish or sturgeon products, including caviar, is performed
548.6.21.1 Obtaining a permit for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air
548.6.21.2 Recording an amendment to a permit for emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air
548.6.21.5 Obtaining an opinion on approval of the air pollutant emissions inventory report
548.6.22.1 Obtaining a permit for the release of non-pathogenic genetically engineered organisms into the environment for testing purposes
548.6.24.1 Obtaining an opinion on the possibility of extracting volumes of groundwater declared by a water user
548.6.25.1 Obtaining approval of the Annual Mining Development Plan, recording an amendment to the Annual Mining Development Plan (except for the extraction of underground water, liquid and gaseous combustible minerals) by deposits of strategic minerals, minerals of limited distribution (their parts)
548.6.25.2 Obtaining approval of the Annual Mining Development Plan, recording an amendment to the Annual Mining Development Plan (except for the extraction of underground water, liquid and gaseous combustible minerals) by deposits of commonly occurring minerals (their parts)
548.6.25.3 Obtaining approval of the Annual Mining Development Plan, recording an amendment to the Annual Mining Development Plan (except for the extraction of underground water, liquid and gaseous combustible minerals) in underground mining of minerals
548.6.26.1 Approval of an instruction on industrial waste management
548.6.27.1 Obtaining an integrated environmental permit for a facility with a complex environmental impact
548.6.27.2 Recording an amendment to an integrated environmental permit
548.6.28.1 Obtaining a permit for the removal of wild animals and wild plants belonging to species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus from their habitat or growth environment
548.6.28.2 Obtaining a permit for removal of wild animals from their habitat
548.6.28.3 Obtaining a permit for introduction, reintroduction, crossbreeding of wild animals
548.6.28.4 Obtaining a permit for removal of wild plants and (or) their parts from their growth environment
548.6.30.1 Obtaining approval for the projects of conservation, re-opening, or liquidation of mining enterprises related to the development of strategic minerals (their parts), limited minerals (their parts), underground facilities not related to the extraction of minerals, amendments to the project of conservation of these mining enterprises
548.6.30.2 Obtaining approval for the projects of conservation, re-opening, or liquidation of mining enterprises related to the development of common minerals (their parts), amendments to the project of conservation of these mining enterprises
548.6.30.3 Obtaining approval for the projects of conservation, re-opening, or liquidation of mining excavations related to the development of strategic minerals (their parts), limited minerals (their parts), amendments to the project of conservation of these mining excavations
548.6.30.4 Obtaining approval for the projects of conservation, re-opening, or liquidation of mining excavations related to the development of common minerals (their parts), and mining excavations intended for the extraction of underground water, amendments to the project of conservation of these mining excavations
548.6.32.1 Obtaining a special water use permit
548.6.34.1 Obtaining a permit for removal or transplantation of vegetation
548.6.35.1 Obtaining an opinion on the possibility of destruction of goods intended for placement under the customs procedure of destruction
548.6.36.1 Obtaining a permit for the storage and disposal of industrial waste
548.6.36.2 Recording an amendment to a permit for the storage and disposal of industrial waste
548.10.6.1 Obtaining a permit for the right to carry out training and retraining of persons involved in the transport of dangerous goods
548.10.6.3 Recording an amendment to a permit for the right to carry out training and retraining of persons involved in the transport of dangerous goods
548. Inclusion of information on the subject of tourism activity in the register of subjects of tourism activity
548.14.4.1 State registration of the bond issue, registration of the bond prospectus, except for cases of registration of the bond prospectus for the purpose of admission of bonds to trading on a stock exchange, as well as approval of the layout of the bond form sample in case of issuance of bearer bonds
548.14.4.9 Registration of amendments and (or) additions to the securities prospectus, except for exchange-traded and depository bonds
548.14.4.11 Recording an amendment to the State Register of Securities
548.14.13.1 Registration of an issue of exchange-traded bonds, registration of an Offering Circular for exchange-traded bonds
548.14.13.2 Registration of amendments and (or) additions made to a bond prospectus
548.15.4.1 Obtaining a special permit for the right to work in the Republic of Belarus
548.19.10.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct mining operations during construction of underground railway systems or build mine workings by pressing, pushing or drilling with a diameter of 1,200 millimetres or more
548.19.10.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct mining operations during construction of underground railway systems or build mine workings by pressing, pushing or drilling with a diameter of 1,200 millimetres or more
548.19.13.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct certification of welders
548.19.13.2 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct certification of welders
548.19.14.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to drill boreholes for solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources with a depth of more than 20 metres
548.19.14.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to drill boreholes for solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources with a depth of more than 20 metres
548.19.15.1 Obtaining a permit for the right to conduct industrial safety expertise
548.19.15.3 Recording an amendment to a permit for the right to conduct industrial safety expertise
548.19.19.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to manufacture specific models (types) of potentially hazardous facilities or technical devices operated (used) at potentially hazardous facilities
548.19.19.5 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to manufacture specific models (types) of potentially hazardous facilities or technical devices operated (used) at potentially hazardous facilities
548.19.26.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct industrial safety knowledge testing of managers and specialists of industrial safety facilities operating hazardous industrial objects and (or) potentially hazardous facilities, who, in accordance with the requirements of industrial safety regulations, are persons responsible for the organisation and maintenance of industrial safety during the operation of these facilities
548.19.26.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct industrial safety knowledge testing of managers and specialists of industrial safety facilities operating hazardous industrial objects and (or) potentially hazardous facilities, who, in accordance with the requirements of industrial safety regulations, are persons responsible for the organisation and maintenance of industrial safety during the operation of these facilities
548.19.27.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct technical inspections of the operated amusement rides, construction freight-passenger elevators, hoisting cranes, lifts, vessels operating under pressure, in cases specified by legislation acts in the area of industrial safety
548.19.27.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to conduct technical inspections of the operated amusement rides, construction freight-passenger elevators, hoisting cranes, lifts, vessels operating under pressure, in cases specified by legislation acts in the area of industrial safety
548.19.28.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to carry out fireworks with the use of pyrotechnic products for technical purposes of the IV and V hazard classes in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Pyrotechnic Products" (TR CU 006/2011)
548.19.28.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to carry out fireworks with the use of pyrotechnic products for technical purposes of the IV and V hazard classes in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Pyrotechnic Products" (TR CU 006/2011)
548.19.30.1 Obtaining a permit for the right to develop an industrial safety declaration for hazardous production facilities
548.19.30.3 Recording an amendment to a permit for the right to develop an industrial safety declaration for hazardous production facilities
548.19.31.1 Obtaining a permit (certificate) for the right to develop projects of technological processes and (or) productions where explosive atmospheres may be formed
548.19.31.3 Recording an amendment to a permit (certificate) for the right to develop projects of technological processes and (or) productions where explosive atmospheres may be formed
548.21.2.1 State registration of technical specifications and notices of amendments to technical specifications
548.25.5.1 Obtaining a conclusion (permit) for importing into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of goods included in the Common list of goods subject to non-tariff regulatory measures in trade with third countries, provided for by the Protocol on non-tariff regulatory measures in relation to third countries to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated May 29, 2014 (Annex No. 7), radioelectronic means and (or) high-frequency devices for civilian use, including those embedded in or incorporated into other goods
548.25.10.4 Obtaining a permit for import and/or export of industrial explosives, products on their basis and pyrotechnic products being moved across the State border of the Republic of Belarus
548.25.10.5 Obtaining an opinion (permit document) for the import to the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of poisonous substances which are not precursors of narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances included in the Unified list of goods subject to non-tariff regulation measures in trade with third countries, as provided for by the Protocol on non-tariff regulation measures in respect of third countries to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated May 29, 2014 (Appendix No. 7)