The “Issuance of a sports achievements certificate” administrative procedure is performed pursuant to subparagraph 8.3 of the List of Administrative Procedures by Government Agencies and Other Organizations at the Request of Citizens approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 200 dated April 26, 2010, On administrative procedures by government agencies and other organizations upon applications of citizens.
Authorized body: Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus, Department of Sports and Tourism of the Regional (Minsk City) Executive Committee
To apply for the administrative procedure, it is necessary to log in to the Unified Portal of E-Services through the Unified System of Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (ES IFYUL) (using a valid personal key, the public key certificate of which was issued by the Republican Certification Centre of the State Public Key Management System, biometric identity documents, as well as other means of strong authentication available in the ES IFYUL), select this AP from the list of available procedures, click on the “Order” button, fill out the electronic form with the necessary documents attached, and submit the application to the authorized body for consideration and an administrative decision.
The result of the administrative procedure will be available to the interested party in his/her personal electronic account on the Unified Portal of E-Services in the ‘My Services’ section when viewing the previously submitted application
5 days from the date of application, and in case of request for information and (or) documents from other state bodies, other organizations – 15 days
Free of charge
Individuals – Belarusian citizens
Administrative procedure result:
Administrative decision on the AP – notification letter with information on certificate readiness with its attachment in PDF format and indication where it is possible to obtain the original certificate signed by EDS;
Administrative decision to refuse to carry out the administrative procedure is a reasoned letter of notification indicating the reason for the refusal signed by EDS;
Administrative decision to refuse to accept an application signed by EDS.