Provision of information on issued phytosanitary certificates and certificates of quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision)
Provision of information on issued phytosanitary certificates and certificates of quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision)
Service code: 3.87.02
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The NAIS electronic service is provided on the basis of the BELFITO Automated Information System.


Owner – Main State Inspectorate for Seed Breeding, Quarantine and Plant Protection State Institution

In automatic mode via the system-to-system technology.


To obtain the service:


1. fill out an application using the electronic form;

2. conclude a service agreement;

3. ensure a secure connection using a channel encryption software tool provided by NCES.


NAIS Uniform Technical Requirements specify the requirements for the Consumer of NAIS electronic services provided via the system-to-system technology and peculiarities of receiving NAIS electronic services via the system-to-system technology. 

Real-time request-response mode

For a fee. Free of charge in accordance with the Belarusian legislative acts (Belarusian laws, ordinances, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus

Information on phytosanitary certificates

Number of elements in the array

Current page in the array

Number of elements per page

Elements array

Name of the exporting country

UNP of the exporting country

Name of the exporter

Address of the exporter

Recipient's UNP

Recipient's name

Name of the recipient country

Recipient's address

List of types and description of products

Name of quarantinable products

Amount of quarantinable products

Units of measurement of products

Place of product origin

Mode of transportation

Motor vehicle number

Point of entry

Additional information

Additional declaration

Phytosanitary certificate number

Phytosanitary certificate issue date

Phytosanitary certificate validity period

Indicator of a cancelled phytosanitary certificate

Date of cancellation of a phytosanitary certificate

Indicator of an amended phytosanitary certificate

Indicator of phytosanitary certificate substitution

Information on quarantine phytosanitary control (supervision) reports

Number of elements in the array

Current page in the array

Number of elements per page

Elements array

Quarantine phytosanitary control report number

Date of preparation of the quarantine phytosanitary control report

Indicator of an amended quarantine phytosanitary control report

Name of the country of receipt

Name of the exporting country

UNP of the exporting country

Name of the exporter

Address of the exporter

UNP of the importer

Name of the importer

Name of the importing country

Address of the importer

List of types and description of products

Name of quarantinable products

Amount of quarantinable products

Units of measurement of products

Country of phytosanitary certificate issue (exporting country)

Date of phytosanitary certificate issue of the exporting country

Phytosanitary certificate number of the exporting country

Mode of transportation

Motor vehicle number

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