Registration of amendments and (or) additions made to a bond prospectus
Registration of amendments and (or) additions made to a bond prospectus
Service code: 548.14.13.2
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Regulatory legal acts regulating the implementation of the administrative procedure:

Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 433-Z dated 28.10.2008 "On the basics of Administrative procedures";

Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 231-Z dated 05.01.2015 "On the Securities Market";

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 277 dated 28.04.2006 "On Some Issues of Regulation of the Securities Market";

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 548 dated 24.09.2021 "On administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities";

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 175 dated 25.03.2022 "On amending the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of administrative procedures in relation to business entities";

Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus No. 78 dated 31.08.2016 "On the issue of equity securities";

Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus No. 14 dated 21.03.2022 "On approval of regulations of administrative procedures".

Submission (withdrawal) of an electronic application by an interested party is performed after its strict authentication on the Unified Portal of Electronic Services (UPES) via the US IILE (using a valid private key, the private key certificate (PKC) of which is issued by the RCC of the SPKMS, biometric identity documents, as well as other methods of strong authentication available in the Unified System for Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (US IILE)).


The administrative procedure is performed by the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange, OJSC.

In order to implement the administrative procedure, interested parties shall submit:

an application;

amendments and (or) additions to the bond prospectus (the bond program);

a document confirming replacement of the bond issuer by its legal successor due to reorganisation of the issuer (copy of the transfer act, division balance sheet, copies of constituent documents, other document or its copy, from which it is evident that the issuer has been reorganised) - in case of replacement of the bond issuer by its legal successor

5 working days


Issuer of exchange-traded bonds;

broker (trustee of securities) admitted to trading by a stock exchange and authorised under a contract with the issuer to conduct an open sale of exchange-traded bonds;

legal successor of the bond issuer.

Административное решение в виде электронного документа, подписанное электронной цифровой подписью, направляется заинтересованному лицу через единый портал электронных услуг не позднее одного рабочего дня со дня принятия соответствующего решения. Срок действия административного решения – до аннулирования выпуска биржевых облигаций.

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