Electronic services
Electronic services
Category Agriculture
Citizenship, passport, ID-card
Information missing on ID-card, verification of legitimacy, validity of documents, personal data.
Obtaining information, statements, opinions, approvals, listing in registers, business reputation due diligence service.
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Education and science
Information from the Data Bank of Talented Youth of the Republic of Belarus.
Electronic document management
Accessing the modernised System of Interdepartmental Electronic Document Flow of State Bodies, using the document management service in a personal account of a legal entity.
Electronic mail of a legal entity
Electronic mail of a legal entity is intended for the exchange of open information between users of a single portal of electronic services
Electronic request
Electronic request for obtaining the services of the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Document Flow of State Bodies, the National Automated Information System, "One Window" programme complex.
Family and life
Information on identification as a large family, on the amount of allowance for children.
Finance and trade
Registration with a tax authority, information on taxpayers, income, basic accounts, debts to the budget.
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Electronic health check-up, electronic prescription.
Registration and use of radio-electronic equipment, management of domain names in the ".бел" and "gov.by" domain zones.
Land and property relations
Information on rights and restrictions (encumbrances) of rights to immovable property objects, administrative and territorial units, addresses.
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Licensing, documents
Information on licences from the Unified Register of Licenses.
Rule of law and responsibility
Information on writ and execution proceedings, breaches of law, bankruptcies, and confiscated property.
Software complex «One Window»
Administrative procedures carried out through the software complex «One Window»
State border
Obtaining passes for the right to enter the border strip, the territory of a road point, permits to carry out economic activities in the border strip.
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Traffic police, transport
Information on road traffic accidents, being on the wanted list, insurance contract, vehicle diagnostic checks, pledge of movable property, rights and restrictions of rights for driving a vehicle.
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Visas and travel
Registration of foreign citizens, information on crossing the State Border by natural persons and vehicles.
Work and employment
Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, on place of work, on identification as not employed in the economy, on the amount of payments, benefits, retirement pension.
Объекты промышленной собственности

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