Obtaining a certificate on provision (non-provision) of a one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises
Obtaining a certificate on provision (non-provision) of a one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises
Service code:
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The administrative procedure “Obtaining a certificate on provision (non-provision) of a one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises” is performed on the basis of clause 1.3.9 of the List of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations at the request of citizens, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 200 dated April 24, 2010.

Validity of the administrative decision taken when considering an application for implementation of the administrative procedure - 6 months

Strong authentication

1. A party in interest has to authorise on the Unified Portal of Electronic Services https://e-pasluga.by/. Authorization on the Unified Portal of Electronic Services is performed by using a private key, the private key certificate of which is issued by the Republican Certification Center of the State Public Key Management System (RCC of the SPKMS) for Verification of Electronic Digital Signature of the Republic of Belarus.

2. From the list of available administrative procedures, one should select administrative procedure One should familiarise oneself with the information, fill in the mandatory fields of the application for administrative procedure and submit the above application to the authorised body, including attaching the necessary documents/data

On the day of application



The result of consideration of the application for the administrative procedure is an administrative decision taken:  a certificate on provision (non-provision) of a one-time subsidy for construction (reconstruction) or purchase of residential premises