State registration of technical specifications and notices of amendments to technical specifications
State registration of technical specifications and notices of amendments to technical specifications
Service code: 548.21.2.1
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Administrative procedure “State registration of technical specifications and notices of amendments to technical specifications” is performed on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 548 dated 24.09.2021 “On administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities”.

List of documents required:


technical specifications or notice of amendments to technical specifications (a scanned document);

product index sheet;

document confirming payment (except for the case of payment via the automated information system of the Unified Settlement and Information Space).


Authorised bodies:

Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Belarusian State Institute for Standardization and Certification";

Scientific-Design-Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "STROYTECHNORM" (regarding technical specifications in the areas of architectural, construction and urban-planning activities).

Strong authentication

To submit an application for the administrative procedure, it is necessary to:

1. authorise on the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES) via the US IILE (using a valid private key, the private key certificate (PKC) of which is issued by the RCC of the SPKMS, biometric identity documents, as well as other methods of strong authentication available in the Unified System for Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (US IILE));

2. the administrative procedure will be available in the personal electronic account;

3. fill in the application form, attach the necessary documents and submit the application

5 days

On a paid basis.

Payment for the administrative procedure is BYN 159,97 including VAT.

Payment for state registration of other technical specifications (not related to the areas of architectural, construction and urban-planning activities) is to be transferred to the account of the BelGISS.

Payment for the state registration of technical specifications in the area of architectural, construction and urban-planning activities is transferred to the account of STROYTECHNORM RUE.

Bank details of the BelGISS:

Acc. BY93BPSB 30121048420189330000

Regional Directorate No. 700 for Minsk and Minsk region of


(bank address: 80 Masherova Ave., Minsk, 220035).

Payment for other technical specifications (i.e. those not related to architectural, construction, and urban planning activities) may be made using the ERIP (Unified Payment and Information Space) payment system.

Details for payment in ERIP:

- Payments in the territory of Belarus (ERIP)

  - Other payments

    - Goods, works, and services

      - Minsk

        - Belarusian State Institute for Standardization and Certification

- State registration of technical specifications.

ERIP service code is 5246451.

Bank details of STROYTECHNORM RUE:

IBAN: BY42BLBB30120100987457001001

in Belinvestbank OJSC, BIC of the bank BLBBBY2X

(bank address: 29 Masherova Ave., Minsk, 220002).

Legal entity, individual entrepreneur

The result of the implementation of the administrative procedure:

— an administrative decision on the implementation of the administrative procedure — an electronic document containing information on data entry (including cancellation and amendments made) in the Register of State Registration of Technical Specifications;

— an administrative decision on refusal to implement the administrative procedure — a motivated letter signed with an electronic digital signature;

— an administrative decision on refusal to accept the application — a motivated letter signed with an electronic digital signature