State border
State border
3.00.01 Submission of EAI (electronic advance information) to the customs authorities
3.00.02 Submission of ESD (electronic statistical declaration) to the customs authorities
More Submission of EESD (export electronic statistical declaration) to the customs authorities
3.00.03 Submission of ETD (electronic transit declaration) to the customs authorities
3.00.04 Submission of PCDEC (passenger customs declaration for express cargo) to the customs authorities
3.00.05 Submission of GDEC (goods declaration for express cargo) to the customs authorities
3.00.07 Submission of CPC (certificate of pledged collateral) to the customs authorities
3.00.08 Submission of RS (document reflecting the calculation and payment of utilisation fee) to the customs authorities
3.00.09 Submission of NPDG (notification of the absence of necessity of introducing amendments (additions) to the information declared in the customs declaration submitted at the preliminary customs declaration of goods) to the customs authorities
3.00.10 Submission of electronic documents to the customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus which are filled in based on the goods declaration form
3.00.11 Submission to customs authorities of documents, information on which is specified in customs documents or provided upon request of customs officials
3.00.12 Submission of an EDG (Electronic Declaration of Goods) to customs authorities
More Submission of an EEDG (Electronic Export Declaration of Goods) to customs authorities
3.00.13 Submission of an EADG (Electronic Amendment of Declaration of Goods) to the customs authorities
3.00.14 Submission of a CVD-1 (Customs Value Declaration according to CVD-1 form) to the customs authorities
3.00.15 Submission of a CVD-2 (Customs Value Declaration according to CVD-2 form) to the customs authorities
3.00.16 Submission of an ARG (Application for Release of Goods prior to the submission of a Declaration of Goods) to the customs authorities
3.00.17 Submission of an NPG (Notification on Placement of Goods in the customs control zone) to the customs authorities
3.00.18 Submission of electronic preliminary information of the passenger customs declaration to the customs authorities
More Submission of a passenger customs declaration as an electronic document to the customs authorities (natural persons)
More Information system of customs authorities
3.00.20 Submission of a report "Excerpt from Technological Process" to the customs authorities
3.00.21 Submission to the customs authorities of an application for operations concerning vehicles of international transportation located outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, which are goods placed under the customs procedure of temporary import (admission)
3.22.01 Furnishing information on confirmation of the actual export of export goods from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union for the state authorities (via the Unified Portal of E-services or via system-to-system technology)
3.22.02 Furnishing information on confirmation of the actual export of export goods from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union for the interested parties (via the Unified Portal of E-services(UPES))
3.22.03 Furnishing information on confirmation of the actual export of express goods issued using a goods declaration for express cargoes from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union for the state authorities (via the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES) or via system-to-system technology)
3.22.04 Furnishing information on confirmation of the actual export of express goods issued using a GDEC from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union for the state authorities (via the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES))
3.23.01 Furnishing information on declarations of goods under control of the customs authorities of the Republic of Belarus
3.42.01 Provision of data on crossing the State Border of the Republic of Belarus by individuals and vehicles at the Border Inspection Posts of the Republic of Belarus
3.42.02 Furnishing information on the border crossings of the Republic of Belarus by a natural person at the state border crossing checkpoints of the Republic of Belarus, in relation to the individual himself/herself, for the period
3.61.01 Предоставление сведений о транспортных средствах, осуществляющих перевозку товаров, помещенных под таможенную процедуру таможенного транзита, на склады временного хранения (по технологии «система-система»)
3.61.02 Предоставление сведений о транспортных средствах, осуществляющих перевозку товаров, помещенных под таможенную процедуру таможенного транзита, на склады временного хранения (посредством ЕПЭУ)
3.61.03 Предоставление сведений о завершении (не завершении) действия таможенной процедуры таможенного транзита
3.67.01 Furnishing a report on expenditure of funds deposited as advance payments, ensuring the fulfilment of customs duties and taxes obligations
3.67.02 Furnishing information on unclaimed advance payments, funds deposited ensuring the fulfilment of customs duties and taxes obligations
3.67.03 Furnishing information on overpaid amounts of custom payments, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties, interests, penalties
3.67.04 Provision of information on a payer's balance of payments
3.67.05 Provision of information in relation to the granted security for the fulfillment of obligations
3.80.01 Obtaining an electronic control stamp for vehicle disinfection
3.84.01 Information on the release of a vehicle, presence of restrictions and payment of recycling fee
More Issuance of a passes authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border zone to foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus
More Issuance of passes authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border land
200.14.6 Выдача пропуска на право внеочередного въезда на территорию автодорожных пунктов пропуска через Государственную границу Республики Беларусь, в которых не функционирует система электронной очереди транспортных средств для въезда в автодорожные пункты пропуска
200.18.11 Refund of funds deposited as security for fulfilment of the obligation to pay customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties
200.18.12 Refund of monetary assets deposited by natural persons which are not individual entrepreneurs to a current (clearing) bank account of a customs authority
200.18.12-1 Refund of overpaid and (or) excessively collected amounts of custom payments, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties, interests, penalties, refund of advance payments, disposal fee
548.18.1.1 Obtaining a pass authorising extraordinary entry into the territory of a road border crossing point at the State border of the Republic of Belarus, where the electronic queuing system for vehicles to enter the road border crossing points is not functioning
548.18.1.2 Obtaining by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur engaged in international freight transport, a pass for one cargo truck authorising extraordinary entry into the territory of a road border crossing point at the State border of the Republic of Belarus, where the electronic queuing system for vehicles to enter the road border crossing points is not functioning
548.18.6.1 Obtaining a permit to conduct economic activities at a border crossing point at the State border of the Republic of Belarus
548.18.6.2 Obtaining a permit for performing economic and other activities in the border land, in the inland waters of the Republic of Belarus within the border land and passes authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border land for the purpose of performing these activities
548.18.7.1 Obtaining a pass authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border zone of a group of foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus entering the border zone together and for the same period of time
548.18.7.2 Obtaining a pass allowing entry, temporary stay, movement in the border land for a group of natural persons entering the border land together and for the same period of time
548.22.6.1 Acquisition of tax stamps of the Republic of Belarus for labelling alcoholic beverages and tobacco products imported into the Republic of Belarus
548.22.6.3 Obtaining a decision on sale of tax stamps of the Republic of Belarus for relabelling of alcoholic beverages imported into the Republic of Belarus with damaged tax stamps
548.23.1.1 Refund of overpaid and (or) excessively collected amounts of custom payments and other payments levied by customs authorities; refund of monetary assets, including refund of overpaid (collected) custom payments, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties, interests, penalties; refund of monetary assets, deposited as security for execution of obligations on payment of customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties; refund of monetary assets, deposited as security for execution of obligations of a legal entity, operating in the field of customs and (or) an authorised economic operator; refund of recycling fee; refund of advance payments
548.23.1.2 Refund (credit) of custom and other payments with respect to specific goods, including refund (credit) of export custom duties with respect to goods specified in clause 1 of article 237 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (re-importable); refund (credit) of import custom duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties with respect to goods specified in clause 1 of article 242 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union (re-exportable)
548.23.2.1 Listing of an intellectual property object to the National Customs Register of Intellectual Property Objects
548.23.2.2 Extension of protection measures for intellectual property rights
548.23.2.3 Recording an amendment to the National Customs Register of Intellectual Property Objects
548.23.5.1 Obtaining a document on the conditions of processing of goods in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, beyond the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, for domestic consumption (hereinafter — the Document on the Conditions of Processing of Goods)
548.23.5.2 Recording an amendment to a document on the conditions of processing of goods
548.23.7.1 Listing of a legal entity in the Register of Owners of Duty-Free Shops
548.23.7.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Owners of Duty-Free Shops
548.23.8.1 Listing of a legal entity to the Register of Owners of Free Warehouses
548.23.8.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Owners of Free Warehouses
548.23.9.1 Listing of a legal entity to the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses
548.23.9.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses
548.23.10.1 Listing of a legal entity to the Register of Owners of Customs Warehouses
548.23.10.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Owners of Customs Warehouses
548.23.12.1 Listing of a legal entity to the Register of Customs Carriers
548.23.12.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Customs Carriers
548.23.13.1 Listing of a legal entity to the Register of Customs Representatives
548.23.13.2 Recording an amendment to the Register of Customs Representatives
548.23.15.1 Obtaining approval for a proposal to open a departmental customs clearance point
548.23.16.1 Creation of a temporary customs control zone

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