Obtaining a pass authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border zone of a group of foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus entering the border zone together and for the same period of time
Obtaining a pass authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border zone of a group of foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus entering the border zone together and for the same period of time
Service code: 548.18.7.1
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The administrative procedure (AP) is performed by territorial authorities of the Border Guard Service concerning the economic operators (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus).

As a result of performing the AP, the applicant acquires the right to a single entry, temporary stay and movement in the border zone, as a member of a group of natural persons.

The period for which the residence of a group of natural persons in the border zone may be claimed is a SINGLE ENTRY for a period not exceeding 1 month.

Submission of an application for AP, informing the applicant on the AP progress is performed via the UPES personal account, by e-mail and/or SMS.

The applicant, using the selected notification methods when requesting the AP, receives information with the pass number, the validity period of the pass and the district(s) allowed for residence, the list of persons travelling to the border zone as part of group.


A pass in hard copy is not provided to the applicant.

This AP is not intended for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus. In case a group of natural persons includes citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the AP is not performed in respect of them (citizens of the Republic of Belarus are not included in the list of the group when performing AP).

For entry, temporary stay and movement in the border zone it is necessary for the persons travelling as part of group, to have in possession a valid passport or other document confirming the identity of the person, intended for travelling abroad, indicated when submitting the application for the implementation of the AP.

For more information on the implementation of the AP, the procedure and regulations for residence in the border zone, please visit the website of the State Border Committee at http://gpk.gov.by.

The AP regulations are available at http://rap.gov.by

To implement the AP, the person in interest submits an application on the Unified Portal of Electronic Services.

For the implementation of the AP, the employee of a legal entity should authorise in the UPES personal account with a personal key of electronic digital signature.

The term of implementation of the AP is 15 days

No payment is charged for the implementation of the AP

Economic operators

(legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus).

The pass authorising entry, temporary stay, movement in the border zone of a group of foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing outside the Republic of Belarus entering the border zone together and for the same period of time