Obtaining by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur engaged in international freight transport, a pass for one cargo truck authorising extraordinary entry into the territory of a road border crossing point at the State border of the Republic of Belarus, where the electronic queuing system for vehicles to enter the road border crossing points is not functioning
Obtaining by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur engaged in international freight transport, a pass for one cargo truck authorising extraordinary entry into the territory of a road border crossing point at the State border of the Republic of Belarus, where the electronic queuing system for vehicles to enter the road border crossing points is not functioning
Service code: 548.18.1.2
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Administrative procedure (AP) is performed by the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus concerning legal entities, individual entrepreneurs (LE, IE).

As a result of performing the AP, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur acquires the right to extraordinary entry of one cargo truck to the territory of road border crossing points at the State border of the Republic of Belarus, which do not have an electronic queuing system for vehicles.

The pass may be issued for the duration of:

1 month;

6 months;

1 year.

Payment of a state duty is stipulated for the issuance of a pass.

Informing the applicant on the AP progress is performed via the UPES personal account, e-mail, SMS.

As a result of performing the AP (in case of a positive administrative decision), the applicant receives an electronic pass containing information on the pass number and the period of authorised extraordinary entry using the selected notification methods.



A pass on a tangible medium is not provided to the applicant.

The pass is activated only after the payment of the state duty by the applicant and receipt of the confirmation of payment by the State Border Committee. Prior to the pass activation the applicant is not authorised to enter the territory of the road border crossing points at the State Border of the Republic of Belarus on an extraordinary basis.

To enter a road border crossing point on an extraordinary basis, it is necessary to provide an identity document, a vehicle registration certificate for a cargo truck and to inform of the pass number.


For more information on the implementation of the AP, the procedure and regulations for extraordinary entry at road border crossing points, please visit the website of the State Border Committee at http://gpk.gov.by.

The AP regulations are available at http://rap.gov.by.

To implement the AP, the person in interest (applicant) submits an application for the AP implementation to the State Border Committee via the Unified Portal of Electronic Services.

For the implementation of the AP, the employee of a legal entity should authorise in the UPES personal account with a personal key of electronic digital signature.

The term of implementation of the AP is 15 calendar days

Payment of a state duty is stipulated for the issuance of a pass. Payment is made after the decision of the State Border Committee on issuing a pass. Payment is made via the Single Settlement and Information Space (SSIS).


The period of pass validity — The amount of the state duty:

1 month — 25 base values;

6 months — 100 base values;

1 year — 150 base values

Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs engaged in international freight transport, for one cargo truck.

The right of extraordinary entry of a cargo truck of a legal entity (an individual entrepreneur) to the territory of all road border crossing points at the State border of the Republic of Belarus available within the scope of this AP