Licensing, documents
Licensing, documents
3.47.01 Furnishing information from the national information resource "The Unified Register of Licences"
548.3.9.1 Получение заключения о соответствии принимаемого в эксплуатацию объекта строительства проектной документации (в части требований безопасности и эксплуатационной надежности)
548.24.1.5 Approval of the performance of work and (or) provision of services constituting licensed activities in state bodies and state organisations, as well as in economic operators, 50 and more percent of shares (stakes in authorised capital) of which are owned by the Republic of Belarus and (or) its administrative and territorial units
548.25.15.1 Obtaining a one-time, general or exclusive licence to export or import goods (excluding human organs and tissues, blood and its components)