200.17.9 Issuance of an animal (herd) certificate upon its sale outside the Republic of Belarus
548.1.3.9 Obtaining an opinion on the intended use of imported (have been imported) poultry eggs for incubation
548.6.20.1 Obtaining approval of a biological and economic evaluation of fishery management
548.7.13.3 Obtaining a pedigree certificate confirming the origin and pedigree (genetic) value of a pedigree animal, pedigree stock for the purposes of selling pedigree products (material) within the Republic of Belarus
548.7.14.1 Obtaining a phytosanitary certificate for quarantinable products exported from the Republic of Belarus
548.7.17.1 Entering information on the manufacturer of products of animal origin into the information system for traceability of products of animal origin
548.7.19.1 Obtaining an animal (herd) certificate for the purpose of its sale outside the Republic of Belarus
548.7.20.1 Entering information into the Register of Identification Means
548.7.22.1 Obtaining a quality certificate for grain, flour, cereals imported into the Republic of Belarus or exported, as well as bakery and pasta products imported into the Republic of Belarus
548.22.10.1 Obtaining an assortment number for meat and meat-containing (including meat-and-vegetable and vegetable-and-meat) canned products for labeling the consumer packaging
548.22.13.1 Obtaining a permission to perform activities on decontamination and labelling of wood packaging materials with assignment of an individual registration number
548.25.8.3 Obtaining an opinion (permit) for the import of plant protection products included in Section 2.2 of the Unified list of goods subject to non-tariff regulation measures in trade with third countries, as provided for by the Protocol on non-tariff regulation measures in respect of third countries to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated 29 May 2014 (Appendix No. 7)

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