Administrative procedures in the area of real estate registration, provision of information from and amendments to the Real Estate Register, as well as the registration of ownerless immovable property are implemented on the basis of:
the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 200 dated 26.04.2010
"On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organisations upon citizens' applications";
the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 548 dated 24.09.2021
"On administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities";
the Resolution of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus
No. 11 dated 25.03.2022 "On Approval of the Regulations on administrative procedures".
The following groups of administrative procedures may be applied for electronically:
1. state registration of immovable property, rights thereto and transactions therewith (548.16.1.1 – 548.16.1.4; –,,,, –, –,, – 200-22.3.51, –, 200.22.6, 200.22.7, 200.22.10 – 200.22.16).
(for citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
2. amendments to the documents of the Unified State Register of Immovable Property, Rights thereto and Transactions therewith (548.16.1.7, 200.22.20)
(for citizens, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
3. registration and removal from registration of ownerless immovable property (548.16.1.10, 548.16.1.11);
(only for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs);
3. provision of information and documents from the Unified State Register of Immovable Property, Rights thereto and Transactions therewith ( –
(only for citizens).
The authorised bodies are organisations for state registration of immovable property, rights thereto and transactions therewith.
The list of administrative procedures available for order is given in the file.
Strong authentication
To submit an application for the administrative procedures, it is necessary to:
1. authorise on the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES) via the US IILE (using a valid private key, the private key certificate (PKC) of which is issued by the RCC of the SPKMS, biometric identity documents, as well as other methods of strong authentication available in the Unified System for Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (US IILE));
2. the administrative procedure will be available in the personal electronic account;
3. fill in the application form, attach the necessary documents, and sign them with an electronic digital signature;
4. submit the documents to the authorised body;
5. familiarise oneself in their personal account with the result of implementation of administrative procedure(s).
The time frames for the implementation of administrative procedures depend on the type of application submitted:
1. an application for state registration: the following time frames are available: 1 working day (urgent consideration of the application), 2 working days (accelerated consideration of the application), 5 working days (7 days for extraterritorial real estate objects) (standard procedure for consideration of the application);
2. an application for amendments to the documents of the Unified State Register of Immovable Property, Rights thereto and Transactions therewith — 3 working days;
3. an application for provision of information and documents from the Unified State Register of Immovable Property, Rights thereto and Transactions therewith — 3 working days;
4. an application for registration (removal from registration) of ownerless immovable property — 1 month.
In case of requesting for documents and (or) information from other public institutions, other organisations the time frame for the implementation of administrative procedures is increased up to 1 month.
The cost of administrative procedures for citizens is established by the List of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organisations upon citizens' applications, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 200 dated 26.04.2010 "On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organisations upon citizens' applications".
The cost of administrative procedures for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is established by the regulations of relevant administrative procedures approved by the Resolution of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus No. 11 dated 25.03.2022.
The specific cost of a procedure is calculated individually by the person generating an application
Natural persons and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs.
The administrative procedures are available to foreign citizens and stateless persons holding a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Belarus.
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs which are not residents of the Republic of Belarus may apply for administrative procedures via their representatives being residents of the Republic of Belarus.
Forming and submitting applications is available for authorised agents and notaries in accordance with the regulatory and legal acts governing their activities
Electronic document