Getting a personal account copy
Getting a personal account copy
Service code: 3.38.03
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The electronic NAIS service is provided on the basis of information from the automated information system "Calculation-HUS".

The search is performed by identification number of a natural person; surname, first name, patronymic; request type and period.

1. Strong authentication (access via the Consumer's personal electronic digital signature)

 To obtain the service it is necessary to:

obtain electronic digital signature aids;

fill out a request according to the electronic form;

enter into a treaty for provision of services;

pass authentication in the portal. The service will be available in the personal account.


2. In automatic mode using system-to-system technology (only for government agencies).

To obtain the service it is necessary to:

fill out a request according to the electronic form;

enter into a treaty for provision of services;

establish a secure connection by means of a link encryption software provided by the NCES (National Center for Electronic Services).

The requirements for the Consumer of NAIS electronic services provided by system-to-system technology, the characteristics of obtaining NAIS electronic services by system-to-system technology are defined in the NAIS Unified Technical Requirements

In real time (request/response).

Paid. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

State authorities and organisations, other entities provided they have the right to process personal data of a natural person without their consent, as established by a legislative act;

Persons who do not have the right to process personal data without consent of a natural person (provided that a natural person's consent to the processing of their personal data has been obtained);

Natural person (in relation to themselves).

The result of the service is an electronic message delivered to a personal electronic account at the Unified Portal of E-services of NAIS when the following documents are received in respect of citizens:

- Personal account,

- Personal account (print dropouts),

- Personal account (include all personal accounts),

- Personal account (print dropouts and include all personal accounts). 

Each document is generated for one person found by a search on the basis of query criteria, and is available for download in pdf format