Availability of data in the Unified State Offense Data Bank
Availability of data in the Unified State Offense Data Bank
Service code: 3.19.01
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The electronic service of the National Automated Information System (NAIS) is provided for the purpose of obtaining information from the national information resource "The Unified State Offense Data Bank"

The electronic service is provided in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 09.01.2006 No. 94-З "On the Unified State System of Registration and Accounting of Offences" and the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 20.07.2006 No. 909 "On Functioning of the Unified State System of Registration and Accounting of Offences".


The owner is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

Strong authentication (using a valid public key certificate issued by the Republican Certification Centre of the State System for Managing Public Keys for Verifying Electronic Digital Signatures of the Republic of Belarus).

To obtain the service it is necessary to:

  1. obtain electronic digital signature aids from the Republic Certification Centre;
  2. fill out a request according to the electronic form;
  3. enter into a treaty for provision of services;
  4. pass authentication in the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.


A special feature of obtaining the service is the agreement of access to the service with the Owner of the resource.


The service is provided without a natural person's consent to furnishing personal data.


The information search is performed by the identification number or full name and date of birth.

The service is provided in real time ("request–response")

Paid. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Prosecuting authorities, agencies conducting administrative procedures, courts, other state bodies of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with their competence in cases stipulated by legislative acts.

Request date and time

Request details 

Electronic "yes"/"no" message confirming the presence/absence of the information on a requested citizen in the Unified State Offense Data Bank

Option of printing the result of the service has been provided.