The electronic service is provided on the basis of information from the Register of Immovable property characteristics.
The owner is the State Property Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
The operator is the State Unitary Enterprise "National Cadastral Agency".
The search is performed by:
an inventory number of the immovable property;
ID of the immovable property in the Register of Immovable property characteristics;
ID of the address of an immovable property in the address register.
The information is provided for immovable properties listed in the Register of Immovable property characteristics after 1 January 2023.
In automatic mode using system-to-system technology
To receive the service, the following is required:
1. fill out a request according to the electronic form;
2. enter into a treaty for provision of services;
3. establish a secure connection by means of a link encryption software provided by the NCES (National Center for Electronic Services).
The requirements for the Consumer of NAIS electronic services provided by system-to-system technology, the characteristics of obtaining NAIS electronic services by system-to-system technology are defined in the NAIS Unified Technical Requirements
In real time (request/response)
The service is provided only to consumers authorised to obtain information from the Register of Immovable property characteristics on a free-of-charge basis.
Consumers of the service are:
local executive and administrative bodies, other state authorities and organisations implementing administrative procedures;
other state authorities and organisations which, in accordance with the legislation, authorised to obtain information on a free-of-charge basis
Electronic message and links to the files of the final technical document and its graphical annexes signed by an electronic digital signature with the possibility of downloading to a local computer in zip file format.
The final technical documents to be provided include: technical data sheet, statement of specifications, certificate of loss (destruction).