The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 394 dated 23 October 2019 "On attracting and granting loans”.
The Decision of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 119 dated 15 April 2020 "On requirements to microfinance organisations and the Register of Microfinance Organisations".
The Rules of Administrative Procedure with Respect to Economic Operators under subsection 14.17.3 "Recording an amendment to the Register of Microfinance Organisations, excluding from the Register of Microfinance Organisations" approved by the Decision of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus No. 164 dated 18 April 2022.
To submit an application for the administrative procedure, it is necessary to log in to the portal using a private EDS key, select this procedure in the list of available services and procedures, click on the "Order" button, fill in an electronic form and send the application (in the prescribed form) with the required documents to the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) for consideration and administrative decision-making.
A notification of the decision made will be provided in the user's account of the Unified Portal of Electronic Services of the National Automated Information System when a previous application is viewed
Duration of the administrative procedure is 5 working days, in case of requesting for documents and (or) information from other public institutions, other organisations — 1 month.
Legal entities
Notification of the administrative decision.
Certificate of Inclusion in the Register of Microfinance Organisations (in case of amendments to the data stated in the Certificate).