Provision of diagnostics information about the vehicle
Provision of diagnostics information about the vehicle
Service code: 3.62.01
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result


Information about the mileage of the vehicle provided as part of the service is entered exclusively by employees of diagnostic stations from November 2021. Until this time - from the words of the owner of the vehicle.

Electronic service in the National Automated Data System (NADS) is provided based on the automated data system of "Beltekhosmotr".

Owner – Republican Unitary Service Enterprise "Beltekhosmotr".

The search can be performed using VIN.

Strong authentication (access using personal digital signature of the Customer)

Weak authentication (access using Customer's login)


Attention. Access to the service with weak authentication has been temporarily suspended.

On a real-time basis ("request-response")

On a paid basis. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, orders, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, individuals

Information on the last permit issued

series and number of the last permit

date of issue of the last permit

validity period of the last permit (inclusive)

use of a vehicle at issuance of the last permit (taxi/non-taxi)

The history of inspection and diagnostics

odometer readings

date of the inspection and diagnostics

number of the diagnostics card

usage of the vehicle

compliance of the vehicle with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union and the EEC