Receipt of the card of the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Automated Data System "Wanted Motor Vehicles"
Receipt of the card of the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Automated Data System "Wanted Motor Vehicles"
Service code: 3.59.06
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Electronic service in the National Automated Data System (NADS) is provided based on the automated data system of wanted vehicles.

Owner – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

The search can be performed using the card identifier.

On an automatic basis according to "system-system" technology

On a real-time basis ("request-response")

On a paid basis. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, orders, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Committee for State Security of the Republic of Belarus, Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus

Account number of the Main Informational and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Document type

Document type (submission)

Date of creation


Classification according to the article of the Criminal Code

Document number

Document category

Number of operational search case

Date of filing an operational search case

Date of execution

Address of execution – republic

Address of execution – territory

Executed in: district

Executed in: settlement

Address of execution – street

Number of participants

Reference number of notice from the registration authority (for control card issue)

Registration plate

Vehicle identification number (VIN)

Vehicle category

Make, model

Year of manufacture

Engine type

Chassis (frame) number

Body (sidecar) number

Full color name

Distinct features

Vehicle registration authority

Organization name

Surname of the owner

Name of the owner

Patronymic of the owner

Date of birth of the owner

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – republic

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – territory

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – district

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – settlement

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – street

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – building

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – block

Data on registration at the place of residence of the individual, legal address of the organization – apartment

Data on registration (registration certificate – series, number)

Bill of sale (series, number)

Customs documents

Address of discovery – republic

Address of discovery – territory

Address of discovery – district

Address of discovery – settlement

Date of discovery

Reference number of notice from the registration authority (for control card removal)

Surname of identified person

Name of identified person

Patronymic of identified person

Age of identified person

Regional system number