Information on consideration of applications in writ proceedings order
Information on consideration of applications in writ proceedings order
Service code: 3.18.01
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The electronic service is provided on the basis of information from the automated information system of the courts of general jurisdiction.

The owner is the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus. 

The search is performed by:

a PIN of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur;

a legal entity's denomination or first name, patronymic and surname of an individual entrepreneur.

Strong authentication (access via the Consumer's personal electronic digital signature).

No strong authentication (access via the Consumer's login).

In automatic mode using system-to-system technology.


Attention. Access to the service with weak authentication has been temporarily suspended.

In real time (request/response).

Paid. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Public institutions, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, natural persons

The following data in relation to a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur against whom writ proceedings have been instituted is provided as a result of the service:

Debtor's address;

Debtor's denomination/name;

Name of a court;

Case number;

Filing date to the application to an economical court;

The amount determined to be recoverable;

Debtor's PIN;

Procedural action denomination;

Date of the procedural action.