Providing information on the results and course of execution of enforcement documents
Providing information on the results and course of execution of enforcement documents
Service code: 3.11.01
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Providing information on the results and course of execution of enforcement documents from the Automated Information System of the Law Enforcement Agencies (AIS LEA) to the Automated Information System of the Supreme Court.

The owner is the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.

In automatic mode using system-to-system technology.

To obtain the service it is necessary to:

1. fill in the application form electronically;

2. enter into a treaty for provision of services;

3. establish a secure connection by means of a link encryption software provided by the NCES.

The requirements for the Consumer of NAIS electronic services provided by system-to-system technology, the characteristics of obtaining NAIS electronic services by system-to-system technology are defined in the NAIS Unified Technical Requirements

In real time "request–response"

Paid. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus.

Providing information on a bailiff from the AIS LEA:

An enforcement proceeding data:

- Code of a LEA;

- Name of a LEA;

- Full name of the executor;

- Number of an enforcement proceeding;

- Date of institution of an enforcement proceeding;

- Code of the current status of an enforcement proceeding;

- Name of the current status of an enforcement proceeding;


- Claim code (type of recovery);

- Name of claim (type of recovery);


- Currency code;

- Name of currency (complete);

- Name of currency (abbreviated);

- Amount of claim;

- Amount of repayment;

- Balance of debt;

Statuses of enforcement proceedings:

- Status code of an enforcement proceeding;

- Name of status of an enforcement proceeding;

- Date of status of an enforcement proceeding;

- Status reason code;

- Name of status reason;

Measures/actions in enforcement proceedings:

- Code of measure/action;

- Name of measure/action;

- Date of adding (initiating) of a measure/action;

- Status code of a measure/action;

- Name of status of a measure/action;

- Date of status of a measure/action.

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