list of addresses of permanent structures and incomplete unfinished ("frozen") permanent structures in one district (Minsk, the city of region subordination) with extended information contents
list of addresses of permanent structures and incomplete unfinished ("frozen") permanent structures in one district (Minsk, the city of region subordination) with extended information contents
Service code: 3.46.08
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Electronic service shall be rendered on the basis of information from "Address Register of the Republic of Belarus" information resource. Owner - State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus.  Operator - National Cadastral Agency.

Search is made by the name of an administrative-territorial unit (Minsk identifier, the city of region subordination or a district).

Automatically using system-system technology.

In delayed run query mode.

for a fee. Free of charge in accordance with the legislative instruments of the Republic of Belarus (laws, orders, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus).

Without restrictions in coordination with an operator.

A zip-archive containing json format file with the following records of each address is provided for downloading:

- unique address identifier;

- identifier of address record;

- identifier of operation of address record entering;

- date of operation of address record entering;

- identifier of operation of address record cancelling (if any);

- date of operation of address record cancelling (if any);

- identifier of a type of object of immovable property;

- type of an object of immovable property;

- identifier of a type of object of immovable property (extended);

- type of object of immovable property (extended);

- name of a region (if any);

- name of a district (if any);

- name of a rural council (if any);

- name of a category of inhabited locality (if any);

- name of an inhabited locality (another object) (if any);

- identifier of administrative-territorial or territorial unit;

- relevance of administrative-territorial or territorial unit;

- name of a type of internal address element (element of road network, gardening association, separate point of the Belarusian railway, highway) (if any);

- identifier of internal address element;

- name of an element of internal address in Russian (if any);    

- relevance of internal address element;

- number of a house;

- number of a building (if any);

- index of a house (if any);

- kilometre of a road (if any);

- additional information (if any);

- identifier of address profile;

- address profile;

- relevance of address profile;

- identifier of address profile (preliminary);   

- address profile (preliminary);

- identifier of zip-code (if any);

- zip code (if any);

- relevance of an address (relevant, irrelevant, cancelled).