Special information
Special information
Service code: 3.26.04
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

Electronic service of NAIS shall be rendered on the basis of information from the Unified Register of Administrative-Territorial and Territorial Units of the Republic of Belarus information resource.

Owner - State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus.

Operator - State Unitary Enterprise "National Cadastral Agency".

Strict authentication (access using the Consumer's personal electronic digital signature)

To receive the service, the following is required:

1. obtaining electronic digital signature aids;

2. filling out a request according to the electronic form;

3. entering into a service contract;

4. passing authentication in the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.

Strict authentication (access for an individual)

To receive the service, the following is required:

1. obtaining electronic digital signature aids;

2. passing authentication in the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.

Automatically using system-system technology

To receive the service, the following is required:

1. filling out a request according to the electronic form;

2. entering into a service contract;

3. organising a secure connection using link encryption software tool provided by NCES.

Requirements for the Consumers of electronic services of NAIS rendered using system-system technology and special features of receiving electronic services of NAIS using system-system technology are defined in Unified Technical Requirements of NAIS

In real time (request-response).


Free of charge in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, orders, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Without restrictions, subject to agreement with the State Information Resource Operator (except for individuals)

Output data set includes the following information:

Unique document identifier

Object code under Administrative-Territorial Formations National Classifier (SOATO National Classifier)

Object category

Name of administrative-territorial (territorial) unit in Russian

Name of administrative-territorial (territorial) unit in Belarusian

Object administration centre category and name (for regions, districts and rural councils)

Name of region where the object is located (if any)

Name of district where the object is located (if any)

Name of rural council where the object is located (if any)

Sign of record validity

Date of recording and registration

Date of record cancellation (for void records)