Furnishing information on domain names registered in the national domain zone
Furnishing information on domain names registered in the national domain zone
Service code: 3.63.02
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The electronic NAIS service is provided on the basis of information from the information system of the technical administrator of the national domain zone, which ensures the functioning of the centralised database of domain names, including their owners by means of the Unified Portal of Electronic Services.

The owner is the Limited Liability Company "Belarusian Cloud Technologies".

The search is performed by domain name. Alternatively, when requesting a list of domain names, the search is performed by several parameters: domain name, administrator's name, full name of the manager of the domain administrator, contact phone number, e-mail address, two-letter country code, human settlement, region, district, zip code, street, house number, PIN, identification number or their parts. 

Strong authentication (access via the Consumer's personal electronic digital signature)

To obtain the service it is necessary to:

1. obtain electronic digital signature aids;

2. fill out a request according to the electronic form;

3. enter into a contract for rendering of services;

4. pass authentication in the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.

In real time "request–response". An electronic message on the request execution

Paid. On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus, the Minsk city, regions’, districts’, city districts’, cities’ Prosecutor's offices;

the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus (central body), local administrations and departments;

the State Security Committee and its local administrations;

the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

the Operational and Analytical Centre under the President of the Republic of Belarus;



other public institutions authorised to process personal data without the consent of natural persons in accordance with the law, in agreement with the Administrator of the national domain zone. 

When requesting to provide the domain name information, the output array will contain:

domain name;


domain status; 

date/time of the change of domain status;

date/time of domain creation;

date/time of the last change of information related to the domain;

date/time of expiration of the domain presence in the database;

date/time of expiration of the domain transfer request to another registrar;

date/time of the last successful domain transfer;

name/full name of the administrator;

full name of the manager of the domain administrator (for legal entities);

PIN (for legal entities);

contact phone number;

e-mail address;

availability of the domain administrator's address;

two-letter country code;

address: human settlement, region/district, postal address, street, house number, premises number;

availability of data on the identity document, its number, series, issuing authority, date of issue, identification number;

data on the state registration of the domain administrator: registration number in the USR, number of the registration decision, public institution performing the registration, date of the decision;

list of DNS servers.

When requesting the list of domain names, the output array will contain a list of domain names satisfying the query criteria and registrars and domain administrators instructions, the full name of the administrator manager (for legal entities), and page output information, i.e.: current page number, number of results per page and total number of domains.