Administrative procedure (AP) of issue of a certificate on the pension amount to an individual.
Owner of the "Social Payments Data Bank" state information resource (SIR) – Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
1. The interested party shall authorise itself on the Unified Portal of E-services ( via the US IILE (using a valid private key, the private key certificate (PKC) of which is issued by the RCC of the SPKMS, biometric identity documents, as well as other methods of strong authentication available in the Unified System for Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (US IILE)) or a unique identifier.
2. From the list of available administrative procedures, one shall select the necessary administrative procedure.
3. One shall familiarise oneself with the information, fill in the mandatory fields of the application for administrative procedure, as well as attach the necessary documents and send the above application to the authorised body
On the date of receipt of the request for administrative procedure
Free of charge.
A scanned copy of the administrative decision in electronic form and a message with the address of the One Contact service where you can get the decision in hard copy, or an information message with the following content: Гражданину(ке) с идентификационным номером <идентификационный номер физического лица> пенсия не назначалась