State registration of research, development and technological works
State registration of research, development and technological works
Service code: 548.20.1-1.1
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The administrative procedure "State registration of research, development and technological works" is performed on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 548 dated 24.09.2021 "On administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities".

List of documents required:

application for the state registration of research, development and technological works

registration card for the work to be performed in Russian or Belarusian;

copy of a contract for performance of work or copies of other documents (in case of absence of a contract), including administrative documents, constituting the basis for performance of work and defining relations between the implementing organisation and the customer. Copies of documents drawn up in a foreign language should be accompanied by a notary translation into Russian or Belarusian;

requirements (science) specification or feasibility study of the work;

time schedule for the work execution (approved by the head of the implementing organisation);

copy of a conclusion of a departmental science and engineering council and (or) a state expert council, confirming the performance of departmental scientific and technical expertise and (or) state scientific expertise and (or) state scientific and technical expertise in accordance with the established procedure with respect to the work.

The authorised body is the State Institution "Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere".

Strong authentication

To submit an application for the administrative procedure, it is necessary to:

1. authorise on the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES) via the US IILE (using a valid private key, the private key certificate (PKC) of which is issued by the RCC of the SPKMS, biometric identity documents, as well as other methods of strong authentication available in the Unified System for Identification of Individuals and Legal Entities (US IILE));

2. the administrative procedure will be available in the personal electronic account;

3. fill in the application form, attach the necessary documents and submit the application

20 days


Organisations, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination, and individual entrepreneurs performing work in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

The result of the implementation of the administrative procedure:

an administrative decision on the implementation of the administrative procedure (notification on inclusion of the work in the State Register of Works, signed with EDS or personally signed by the head of the authorised body (signed with EDS));

an administrative decisionon refusal to implement the administrative procedure (notification on refusal of state registration of the work, signed with EDS or personally signed by the head of the authorised body (signed with EDS));

an administrative decision on refusal to accept the application (a motivated letter signed with EDS or personally signed by the head of the authorised body (signed with EDS))