Furnishing personal data from the NIS "The Population Register" (with a natural person's consent)
Furnishing personal data from the NIS "The Population Register" (with a natural person's consent)
Service code: 3.40.01/1
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The electronic NAIS service is provided on the basis of information from the national information resource "The Population Register".

The owner is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

!!! The information in the national information resource "The Population Register" has been stored since July 2013!!!

The service is intended for obtaining the information on marital status and children missing from the ID card of a natural person who is a resident of the Republic of Belarus who has applied for the service in person, provided that his or her consent is obtained electronically *  

*- In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.05.2021 No. 99-Z "On Personal Data Protection" and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 16.03.2021 No. 107 "On Biometric Documents".

The search is performed by the identification number of a natural person provided by an ID card


Strong authentication (access via the Consumer's personal electronic digital signature)


To obtain the service it is necessary to:

1. obtain electronic digital signature aids;

2. pass authentication in the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.


Special features of receiving:


To use the service, an ID-card reader, an ID-card and installed software (client software) are required, available on the NCES (the National Centre for Electronic Services) website at https://nces.by/service/po/.


After installing the ID-card reader and the client software, proceed as follows:

  start the client software;

 authorise in the Unified Portal of E-services (UPES) using digital signature (EDS);

  select the electronic service 3.40.01/1 in the personal account at the UPES;

  a natural person must hold the ID-card in the ID-card reader, however, the ID-card must not be removed from the ID-card reader until the completion of the electronic service 3.40.01/1; click the "Next" button and enter the PIN 1

  in the input form of the electronic service 3.40.01/1 the identification number from the ID-card reader will be entered automatically;

  the consent for providing personal data to a third party (active download link), which is signed by the EDS contained on the ID-card, is displayed on the input form of the electronic service 3.40.01/1; to sign the consent, enter PIN 2

  the generated request is verified with the EDS of the person requesting the information, before sending it to the NIR "The Population Register";

  after the request is processed, a response message is returned.


In automatic mode using system-to-system technology.


To obtain the service it is necessary to:

  1. Develop the functional of obtaining 

the individual's consent to the processing of personal data in the form of an electronic document (the "individual's consent") in their Information Assets (Information System) using the pro-forma provided in the annex to the Procedure for the Provision of the NAIS Electronic Services posted on the official website of the National Centre for Electronic Services State Enterprise (the "NCES State Enterprise") at: https://nces.by/service/services_oais/ (the "Procedure for the Provision of the NAIS Electronic Services") (in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Belarus No. 99-З as of 07.05.2021).

  1. Submit a request to, and make and enter into an agreement with the NCES State Enterprise concerning the provision of services of the Unified Identification System for Individuals and Legal Entities (the "UIS ILE") in accordance with the Procedure for the Provision of Services of the Unified Identification System for Individuals and Legal Entities posted on the official website of the NCES State Enterprise at: https://nces.by/bisrs/esiful/.
  2. Obtain a login and password to access the Population Register State Information System (the "Population Register SIS"), and for that reason to make and enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs concerning access to the Population Register SIS.
  3. Submit a request to, and make and enter into an agreement with the NCES State Enterprise concerning the provision of NAIS ES 3.40.01/1 in automatic mode under the "system-system" technology in accordance with the Procedure for the Provision of the NAIS Electronic Services.

NAIS ES 3.40.01/1 shall be provided to the consumer during the term of the UIS ILE services agreement.


When receiving NAIS ES 3.40.01/1, ensure that the request to the Population Register SIS is certified by the electronic digital signature of the person requesting the data (in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus No. 81 as of 29.03.2019 On the Procedure for Certifying Electronic Requests to the Register Population).

In real time (request/response)

On a free-of-charge basis in accordance with legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, edicts, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

Public institutions and organisations of various forms of ownership, courts, attorneys, notaries when performing administrative procedures or providing e-services.

Identification number

Personal data a spouse: identification number, first name, patronymic and surname, gender, data block on document entries (document type, name of issuing (accepting) organisation, document issue date, document number, current status of a document)

Children's personal data: identification number, first name, patronymic and surname, gender, date of birth, data block on document entries (document type, name of issuing (accepting) organisation, document issue date, document number, current status of a document), data on termination of parental rights, on restitution of parental rights (date of termination/restoration of parental rights)