Providing information on the invalidity of machine readable documents
Providing information on the invalidity of machine readable documents
Service code: 3.09.03
Service description
How to get the service
Service provision term
Service cost
Categories of service recipients
Service result

The service is provided from the state information resource «Information objects of the automated system «Passport».


Оwner - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus).


The search is carried out according to the personal data of the subscriber


Attention! Lack of information is an electronic service.

The electronic service is provided through the EPES to state bodies and organizations, legal entities for access with strict authentication (using the current QMS of the RTC GosSUOK).


To receive a service using an electronic digital signature key, you must:


1. to receive means of electronic digital signature in the Republican certification center;

2. pass authentication on the portal. The service will be available in your personal account.

The service is provided in automatic mode using the system-system technology. 

To organize a secure connection, you must:

  1. have or organize a VPN-channel of communication with NCUE using the channel encryption software provided by the OAIS Operator;
  2. send an electronic application for the OAIS service to NCUE.

Requirements for the Consumer of OAIS electronic services rendered using the «system-system» technology, the specifics of obtaining the OAIS control system using the «system-system» technology are defined in the Unified technical requirements of the OAIS.


A feature of obtaining the service is the obligatory possession of a license of the telecommunications operator.

In real time ("request-response").

Paid. Free of charge in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus (laws, decrees, decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus)

The service is provided to telecommunication operators (with the exception of telecommunication operators that provide services only for the distribution of television broadcasting and (or) radio broadcasting programs).

The service is provided in accordance with the joint resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Operative-Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus dated August 5, 2016 No. 211/11/9 "On the procedure for confirming information about the subscriber by telecommunication operators "

As a result of the provision of the service, the consumer receives information about the validity / invalidity of personal data and a machine readable document.